With 235,000 acres to explore, we had quite a task ahead of us. Around 30 of us made the trip coming from as far away as Canada. There were numerous new members that attended their first TB
G group hunt, and we were glad to have them there. Our days were filled with searching for hog sign and long walks. Most members walked more than five miles a day and several up to 15 miles a day in search of hogs. Evenings found us gathered around the campfire, sharing stories of from each day's hunt.
Mark Land (pictured above) deserves recognition for taking down pigs on back-to-back days, and Jason Samkoviak also joined in the success by bagging one as well. Tell these guys congratulations next time you see them.
But beyond the kills, many of us had close encounters with the pigs, deer, turkeys, bobcats and even alligators, adding an extra layer of excitement to the hunt.
I want to extend my thanks to each of you who made this hunt memorable. You are what make our group strong, and I'm proud to be a part of it. Until next time.
Shoot Straight,
Dendy Cromer
TBG Southern Zone Rep